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blog On Purpose Adventures Blog - Results from #24


Yellow_Camo_Crew_Introducing_Dr._Troy_Hall_Leading_On_Purpose-db28ca5e On Purpose Adventures Blog - Results from #24
16 August 2023

Troy Hall, Ph.D. needs no introduction but allow me to try. Readers of my Leading On Purpose newsletter will be familiar with him from the Cohesion Corner™ with Dr. Troy blurb included at the bottom of each of my newsletters.

Dr. Troy and On Purpose Adventures have a strategic alliance focused on ensuring leaders can take their teams from knowing what needs to be done to retraining leadership styles and building cultures of cohesion.

We have created hands-on, experiential activities from the proven principles in Dr. Troy’s bestselling book, Cohesion Culture: Proven Principles to Retain Your Top Talent.

Dr. Troy travels the globe speaking to organizations, training leaders and promoting his three books that you can learn more about on his website.

We asked and Dr. Troy answered some questions below to help our readers get to know more about Troy through his experiences, adventures, and purpose.

hybrid_team_building-655dbfe2 On Purpose Adventures Blog - Results from #24
16 August 2023

The contemporary corporate landscape is in a state of metamorphosis, as the boundaries between traditional office settings and remote work environments blur, presenting a unique set of challenges and opportunities for effective teamwork. In this era of fluid collaboration, the concept of team building has evolved beyond its conventional boundaries, demanding innovative solutions that transcend geographical limitations. Enter On Purpose Adventure's Team Building – a trailblazer in harnessing the potential of hybrid team building. This approach, tailored to bridge the gap between remote and in-person team members, goes beyond the conventional notion of team bonding, weaving a rich tapestry of advantages that resonate deeply within today's corporate realm. Delve into five distinct benefits that underscore the transformative impact of hybrid team building in cultivating a cohesive, engaged, and highly productive workforce.

kayak-team-building-01-8ce6bf5e On Purpose Adventures Blog - Results from #24
04 August 2023

In a world dominated by screens and technology, there is something truly magical about reconnecting with nature. One place where this magical connection can be experienced is Shem Creek in Charleston, South Carolina. This picturesque waterway, known for its abundant wildlife and stunning views, offers the perfect setting for a kayaking adventure that combines adventure, serenity, and teamwork. At On Purpose Adventures, we organize this unique outdoor activity which provides individuals with the opportunity to step outside their comfort zones and discover the profound lessons that nature can teach us about effective teamwork and collaboration.

Leading_with_ADHD_OPA-3caab804 On Purpose Adventures Blog - Results from #24
02 August 2023

Check out the article below written by On Purpose Adventures' own, Ben-Jamin Toy.

I was recently diagnosed with ADHD. Today, I want to share this part of my personal journey that has had a profound impact on my life. It's a topic close to my heart, and I believe it's essential to discuss mental health openly in our professional lives.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder affects approximately 2.5% of adults and 8.4% of children. The National Institute of Mental Health explains that ADHD presents in adults with the following symptoms:

  • Inattention: Having difficulty paying attention
  • Hyperactivity: Having too much energy or moving and talking too much
  • Impulsivity: Acting without thinking or having difficulty with self-control

Can an individual be a good leader if they have ADHD?

My experience has shown me that leadership knows no bounds, and having ADHD does not define our potential.

Yellow_Camo_Crew_Introducing_Jen_Chacon_Leading_On_Purpose-94997bdf On Purpose Adventures Blog - Results from #24
19 July 2023

In this week's newsletter, we are continuing to introduce readers to the incredible team we have at On Purpose Adventures.

On Purpose Adventures' founder, Ben-Jamin Toy, was introduced to Jen Chacon by Jimmy Sorrells, owner of Liberty Networking . He spoke at a few events in Greenville, South Carolina and didn't meet Jen when he was in town. A few weeks later Jimmy introduced them and Ben-Jamin asked Jen if she had more bandwidth. If she could take on more and she said yes. Jen felt like being a team building facilitator was a calling for her and we set to determining how to best utilize and promote Jen's skills.

power-of-introverts-d6d577f0 On Purpose Adventures Blog - Results from #24
17 July 2023

In today's diverse and dynamic workplace, teams comprise individuals with varying personalities and work styles. While these differences can pose challenges to team cohesion, it is essential to recognize and value the unique contributions of introverts. By leveraging team building activities, we can create an environment that allows introverts to have their voices heard and maximizes their potential within the team. In this article, we will explore the benefits of team building for introverts and provide strategies for maximizing their participation and engagement.

Is_Culture_Fit_an_Excuse_to_Discriminate-ab2f59ed On Purpose Adventures Blog - Results from #24
05 July 2023

We recently shared a post that stirred up quite a bit of controversy all based on this comic we found online:

culture fit comic

Today, we want to highlight some of the thought-provoking comments we received from our insightful LinkedIn community.

Yellow_Camo_Crew_Introducing_Trevor_Crunelle_Leading_On_Purpose-b94f38b7 On Purpose Adventures Blog - Results from #24
21 June 2023

We have a great team at On Purpose Adventures and I'm excited to have the opportunity to share more about them in this newsletter.

Trevor Crunelle has been with us since the summer of 2021. He has facilitated a variety of Cohesion Culture™ programs with clients ranging from the credit union space to manufacturing.

As The Growth Coach he collaborates with individuals on achieving whatever goals they set for their company. Together with clients, Trevor steps back to evaluate strengths and weaknesses, map a strategy for growth, and monitor progress until all client goals are met.

Get to know more about Trevor in the Q&A below.