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A_side_hustle_doesnt_work_without_the_hustle_Leading_On_Purpose_Newsletter-4a168db1 Newsletters
17 July 2024

I have noticed a common misconception when it comes to entrepreneurship: people often think that you can achieve quick money without putting in the necessary effort. They don't realize all the hard work going on behind the scenes.

You can pursue various avenues to make money and only talk about what excites you, but that's not the whole picture. Hustling requires commitment and dedication beyond the glamorized highlights.

The first year we bought Nature Adventures, I was speaking with a college student working for us. He was moping around, working slowly. We had a chat about hustle and finding things to do when a customer isn't directly in front of you. He said, "Well, you hustle 'cause you own it." This was just a month into owning this business. My response...

"No, I hustled and therefore I own it."
How_Slowing_Down_Can_Transform_Your_Life_Leading_On_Purpose-3d142a52 Newsletters
03 July 2024

As we reflect on the teachings of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry and The Love Code, it's clear that a life centered on love and presence is deeply fulfilling. Jesus himself exemplified a life free from hurry, consistently demonstrating that love has its own unhurried pace. By slowing down and being fully present, we can cultivate deeper connections and a more meaningful existence.

In The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer emphasizes that love, by its very nature, is patient and kind, aligning with the well-known passage from 1 Corinthians 13:4, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."

Most_Goal_Setting_Methods_Suck_Leading_On_Purpose_Newsletter-f4f6f594 Newsletters
19 June 2024

Don't blame us for the title of this newsletter. The idea came from a book On Purpose Adventures' owner, Ben-Jamin Toy, recently read.

Today, he would like to share some lessons from his recent read, The Love Code by Alexander Loyd. He listened to this book on audio which he highly recommends. Click here to download on Audible.

In the book, the author discusses the limitations of traditional self-help methods. He instead flips the self-help industry on its head, encouraging the opposite of traditional goal systems that are will power based. Readers are encouraged to shift perspectives in order to radically transform.

Unleash_Summer_Fun_Leading_On_Purpose_Blog_Post-7dc5b578 Newsletters
05 June 2024

Does this sound familiar?

Summertime is here, and your team is already feeling cooped up indoors. The weather is beautiful, but not yet too hot. The sun is shining. The kids are out of school. Vacation brain is setting in even for employees still in the office.

If this is happening at your workplace, it's time to plan a team building or bonding event.

The_Power_of_Enthusiasm_Leading_On_Purpose_Newsletter-14eb56cb Newsletters
22 May 2024

Energy is contagious. We've all experienced how the enthusiasm of one person can lift the spirits of those around them.

But what about those of us who aren't naturally exuberant or who prefer less interaction? Can enthusiasm still play a role in our success? Absolutely!

Science backs up the phrase 'energy is contagious.' Research in psychology and neuroscience has demonstrated that emotions and behaviors can be transmitted from one person to another through various mechanisms.

Great%20Leaders%20Own%20Their%20Mistakes%20Leading%20On%20Purpose%20newsletter%201-44cd076a Newsletters
08 May 2024

Uh-oh. A mistake has been made. The director of marketing starts looking around the boardroom for which employee they will blame. They couldn't possibly walk into a meeting with the CEO and take full ownership of this error.... Or could they?

If you haven't read Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, I highly recommend you check it out. The book is written by two U.S. Navy SEAL officers who led the most highly decorated special forces unity of the Iraq War.

Extreme Ownership emphasizes taking full responsibility for one's actions and decisions, both individually and as part of a team. By adopting an "extreme ownership" mindset, readers learn how to proactively tackle challenges and drive positive outcomes.

Knowing_When_to_Pivot_Leading_On_Purpose_Newsletter-5b142299 Newsletters
24 April 2024

How do you know when it's time to throw in the towel?

When should you pivot or start over?

The motivational quote on the break room wall says to never give up.

But the CEO dissolved five businesses before she discovered her million-dollar idea.

The journey is rarely a straight line from idea to success. It's often a winding road filled with twists, turns, and unexpected obstacles.

One of the toughest challenges entrepreneurs face is knowing when to pivot, evolve, or even throw in the towel entirely.

Yellow_Camo_Crew_Introducing_Beth_Beutler_Leading_On_Purpose-a80bf780 Newsletters
10 April 2024

In the third quarter of 2022, On Purpose Adventuresbrought on Beth Beutler to operate our office and oversee the integration of project/event management software. Her work has increased efficiencies and communication with our clients to remove the pressure of event planning from the assistant, planning committee, or business manager who would prefer to focus on the many other things on their plates.

Beth has been instrumental in helping remove internal operations tasks from my to-do-list which allows me to focus on creating the experiences that challenge people to grow.

Read on to learn more about Beth and how she's become the "point person" for our organization!