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blog Newsletters - Results from #8


Client_Who_Came_Back_Leading_On_Purpose-resized-9c59f074 Newsletters - Results from #8
25 September 2024

I failed a client... And that client came back.

About 8 years ago, I messed up an event. I made a series of decisions that, in hindsight, were missteps. I actively chose to take on more than I normally would have. Beyond planning the activities, I agreed to plan transportation and meals for attendees. This was an event where anything that could go wrong, did go wrong, and mistakes compounded. I didn't have the experience I have now to ride the waves and make adjustments as needed.

Mindful_Leadership_with_Purpose-1-2ab42a5e Newsletters - Results from #8
11 September 2024

Leadership can easily become a race, whether it's chasing deadlines, managing teams, or navigating the pressures of performance. However, the most effective leaders know that slowing down is sometimes the key to speeding up. This concept, rooted in mindful leadership, is a core idea that can reduce burnout and increase productivity.

A cornerstone of mindful leadership is the understanding that we are only in full control of two things: our attitude and our actions. While that sounds simple, mastering these two areas can have a big impact on both personal performance and organizational culture.

Whens_the_Last_Time_You_Sucked_at_Something_Leading_On_Purpose_Newsletter-2-10169194 Newsletters - Results from #8
28 August 2024

We often talk about mastery, about being at the top of our game. But how often do we celebrate the times when we're not? When we're awkward, unsure, and, quite frankly, not very good at something?

Today, I'll be stepping on stage for my first improv recital with Dr. Troy. We're jumping headfirst into the world of improvisational theater. It's been a humbling experience, to say the least.

Theatre 99 Improv Charleston SC Ben-Jamin Toy and Dr. Troy Hall

The_Need_for_Friendship_Leading_On_Purpose_Newsletter_2-68ec84a6 Newsletters - Results from #8
14 August 2024

When connections are often measured in likes and comments, maintaining deep, meaningful friendships can seem almost impossible. Especially as an adult, making and keeping friends can feel like work, and it's tempting to believe that friendships shouldn't require effort. But anything truly meaningful in life is worth working for and what could be more meaningful than the relationships we build with others?

Recently, I found myself reflecting on the importance of friendship, especially my male friendships, and how these relationships have shaped my life. This reflection was sparked by an interview between Simon Sinek and Steven Bartlett, as well as some books I've read recently: Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by Robert D. Putnam and Community: The Structure of Belonging by Peter Block. These resources, along with personal experiences, have led me to a profound understanding of the need for friendship in combating loneliness, anxiety, and even addiction.

The_Return_on_Investment_of_Leadership_Development_Leading_On_Purpose_Newsletter_-1-29e13b81 Newsletters - Results from #8
01 August 2024

Businesses see an average return on investment of $7 for every $1 spent on leadership development. (BetterManager)

That's it, that's the end of the newsletter.

Just kidding, but isn't that data enough to make you realize the benefit of investing in leadership development?

A_side_hustle_doesnt_work_without_the_hustle_Leading_On_Purpose_Newsletter-4a168db1 Newsletters - Results from #8
17 July 2024

I have noticed a common misconception when it comes to entrepreneurship: people often think that you can achieve quick money without putting in the necessary effort. They don't realize all the hard work going on behind the scenes.

You can pursue various avenues to make money and only talk about what excites you, but that's not the whole picture. Hustling requires commitment and dedication beyond the glamorized highlights.

The first year we bought Nature Adventures, I was speaking with a college student working for us. He was moping around, working slowly. We had a chat about hustle and finding things to do when a customer isn't directly in front of you. He said, "Well, you hustle 'cause you own it." This was just a month into owning this business. My response...

"No, I hustled and therefore I own it."
How_Slowing_Down_Can_Transform_Your_Life_Leading_On_Purpose-3d142a52 Newsletters - Results from #8
03 July 2024

As we reflect on the teachings of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry and The Love Code, it's clear that a life centered on love and presence is deeply fulfilling. Jesus himself exemplified a life free from hurry, consistently demonstrating that love has its own unhurried pace. By slowing down and being fully present, we can cultivate deeper connections and a more meaningful existence.

In The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer emphasizes that love, by its very nature, is patient and kind, aligning with the well-known passage from 1 Corinthians 13:4, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."

Most_Goal_Setting_Methods_Suck_Leading_On_Purpose_Newsletter-f4f6f594 Newsletters - Results from #8
19 June 2024

Don't blame us for the title of this newsletter. The idea came from a book On Purpose Adventures' owner, Ben-Jamin Toy, recently read.

Today, he would like to share some lessons from his recent read, The Love Code by Alexander Loyd. He listened to this book on audio which he highly recommends. Click here to download on Audible.

In the book, the author discusses the limitations of traditional self-help methods. He instead flips the self-help industry on its head, encouraging the opposite of traditional goal systems that are will power based. Readers are encouraged to shift perspectives in order to radically transform.